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Weixin Pay launches service for visitors to Canton Fair_Spider information


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     【推荐】海外独服/站群服务器/高防        最近在看一些讲品牌打造的案例,正常讲案例也无妨,关键是里面时不时的蹦出各种英文缩写的理论,比如FATS理论,看的我云里雾里,一看英文单词,又是一长串的字母,瞬间觉得真高级啊,我拿着手里的茶水都感觉像喝贵族特饮了。    Mobile payments app Weixin Pay has launched a monthlong inbound payment service targeting overseas visitors to the China Import and Export Fair, also known as Canton Fair, in a bid to provide convenient payment options for global traders.    Weixin Pay is a mobile payment service within the Weixin app designed for users on the Chinese mainland.    Its services will now be extended to 18,000 taxis, 308 subway stations, six international hotels and over 1,000 merchants, providing comprehensive support for foreign visitors in terms of dining, accommodation, transportation, shopping and entertainment.    During the service month, the card binding process and Weixin account opening process will be optimized, and 130,000 bilingual usage guides, signs, table stickers and commercial screen guides will be distributed in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province.    Three inbound payment experience service desks at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and the fair's complex have been established already.    Weixin Pay has also collaborated with the local government to train 3,000 volunteers to provide mobile payment guidance services for foreign traders, both inside and outside the venue.    A Brazilian trader of garments said he was pleasantly surprised that he could use Weixin Pay during his visit to the Canton Fair.    Payments are processed within seconds with a simple scan of QR codes, he said. "I could conveniently use mobile payment tools for transportation and to sample the local food," Allan, who preferred to use only his given name, added.    The fair, held twice a year, concluded its first phase on Friday. As of Friday, 125,440 overseas buyers from 212 countries and regions visited the fair, representing an increase of 23.2 percent compared with the last session in October, the organizer said.    In addition to payments by cash, the fair's organizers have facilitated digital payments for overseas visitors by adding more payment options, including Weixin Pay, Alipay, Union-Pay and some overseas e-wallets.    The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, has released a payment guide that provides foreigners with text and graphic instructions on using bank cards, cash, mobile payments and e-CNY in China.    This is part of the latest step in the country's push to optimize the payment experience of foreigners.    Alipay, the digital payment arm of Chinese financial technology company Ant Group, has ensured that foreigners in China can use mobile payments without any hurdles by rolling out translation services for 16 languages recently.    Data from Alipay showed that the transaction volume of foreign visitors paying through the mobile payment app surged nearly 10 times year-on-year in March, with the number of active users increasing nearly six-fold during this period from a year earlier.    Weixin Pay said the foreign card transaction volume has grown quickly.    Data showed that the average daily transaction amount for Weixin Pay's foreign card services increased by over three times in March compared to July last year before the payment service was upgraded, with the average daily transaction volume growing by over four times.    Weixin Pay said it will take the fair as an opportunity to launch a nationwide initiative for inbound payment convenience services, offering assistance in products, services and comprehensive guidance to help foreigners travel and do business smoothly in China.    "I will try digital payments such as Weixin Pay. If it works, I will be really happy," said Steve Neumeyer, a buyer from the United States.    "I want to spend money, but I could never do it before," Neumeyer, a regular visitor to the Canton Fair, added.    The fair's organizers have set up a consultation desk to facilitate payment services for foreigners, where multilingual promotion for inbound payments is provided.    Through "hands-on" guidance, staff members assist inbound individuals in using electronic payment methods, helping many international merchants to solve payment issues on the spot.                    。    还有什么SWOT、3C、4S、5W、7P等等啥的,哎,我就想问一句:能不能用人能听得懂的话来讲

二 |     咱主打的就是一个:不装13。所以,这篇我就用最朴实无华的理论来给大家讲讲,电商爆单秘籍的BDZF模型。    据说世界五百强都在用这个模型,奢侈品巨头把此理论视为圭臬,几乎所有top电商公司都深谙此理论,也是所有电商运营入门必学理论,精通此理论者不要说能熟练操盘亿级的盘子,随随便便打造个年销售额千万的牌子不在话下,那电商BDZF模型具体是什么呢?    电商BDZF模型其实就是曝光(B)、点击(D)、转化(Z)、复购(F),拼音首字母大写组成。试问在座的电商运营,你的所有工作是不是都围绕BDZF来的,其他什么舶来理论在这个理论面前就是渣渣,别跟我讲什么5S、3P,我只要转化率高,还怕没单?    01    曝光(B)    跟我电商群里做运营的小伙伴交流,发现大家还有那样的思维误区,觉得现在是存量时代了,产品推广很难获得曝光了,做存量是当下最为重要的。    这话站在大厂的角度来看确实有一定的道理,那种大而不倒的大厂产品已经覆盖了全国,没有增量可言,所以开始进军国外,纷纷出海,去获取新的增量。    怎么说呢,存量对咱们99%的中小商家而言,还是太虚无缥缈了,就现在24年,我去拼多多上新一个品,出价拉满,会有曝光吗?100%有的,如果我的价格足够有优势,就现在这样的行情,我也能拉到一天5000单,都说没增量了,为啥我还能拉到这样多的单量和曝光呢?    其实,市场上永远不缺曝光,大家拿不到曝光,根本原因是想不花钱拿曝光,那肯定没有了,而花钱拿曝光最大的问题是,入不敷出,导致没钱投广告买曝光,给人的错觉是产品拿不到曝光,其实是你不会投而已。

三 |     以拼多多为例,或者说现在主流的电商平台淘宝、京东、抖店,把价格竞争力的权重都提的老高,你只要价格做到全网最低,还怕没曝光?现在可以说比以前好做多了,以前玩的是开车技术,那个门槛很高。    现在就是比价,低价就有曝光,运营还拼啥技术?你只要给采购施压,压缩采购成本就齐活了,比你研究开车技术管用很多。

四 |     02    点击(D)    曝光不难拿,只要加价就能拿到,我拼多多推新品时,卖价30块,我出价直接干到50,平台往死了给我曝光,这个时候考验大家的就是点击了。    平台拼命给你搞了1万的曝光,你只有1个点击,你觉得亏钱去跑,能跑的动?平台又不傻,同样1万曝光,竞品能有1千个点击,你就1个,你又不是平台老板的干儿子,平台为啥要迁就你,平台就不会给你曝光了。    所以,大家如果想顺利接住平台给的曝光,就一定要把点击率做上去,5%是及格线。    提高点击率的方式很简单,做马扁咯,做高端的设计咯。这里面有2点,一个是找准人,二个是卖点准确。比如卖棉鞋的,你主打的是保暖,不好意思,经常爬楼梯的人不关心,你如果说我这个防滑,那他们绝对会点进来看一看。

五 |     找对了防滑人群,然后加一句F1赛车过弯般防滑,那是什么感觉,你的主图点击不被点爆才怪,再加一把火,工厂倒了,棉鞋兔费送。好了,等着起飞吧。    03    转化(Z)    点击是承上启下的作用,没有点击就没有后话了,所以大家不论在哪个平台投广告,都希望用户能点进来看看,就跟线下门店一样,顾客不进门,你产品再好,再便宜也没用。    那用户进来了,接下来才是咱们电商运营所有工作中的重中之重——做转化了。    一个链接在平台上跑,无非是这几种数据走势。

六 | 点击高,转化低(可培养)。

七 | 点击低,转化低(放弃)。点击高,转化高(重点培养)。点击低,转化高(可培养)。咱们把重点培养和可培养的留下来,其他的直接放弃。    之所以能够留下来,参考点就是同样曝光数据的单量最高,也就是有效转化最高,这样平台收益最大,才能给你放大曝光,咱们商家才能爆单。    那转化怎样能提升呢?降价嘛,尤其是标品,只要价格有优势,还怕没转化。反正都是同一个东西,买家能40块钱买的,为啥要花60块去买?    所以,想爆单,就不要有高利润,你是聪明人,买家也不傻。不要既想要利润,又想要单量,那你就是真的傻了。    还有就是用高质量的素材来提高商品的档次,从而做出高溢价。比如10块的商品,你花个3000块钱去外包一套奢侈品级的素材,然后你卖20块钱,告诉你,也能卖爆。

八 | 网络嘛,摸不到实物,真真假假,好与坏还不是凭那几张主图详情来分辨。    04    复购(F)    有了转化其实已经大功告成了,复购这块可有可无。春夏要来了,驱蚊、防晒用品已经可以布局了。

九 | 这样的品你关心复购?    完全不用考虑,热度最高7000以上,一天能冲2万单,流量来了,抓紧流量变现就能让一个小公司做大做强,要啥复购?浪费时间

十 |     这样说吧,但凡是应季品,都是一个重新洗牌的过程,每天都有新需求,每天都有机会。

十一 | 做电商之前,我以为市场上到处都是红海,不存在蓝海市场了。    做电商之后,你就知道,就算你今天上一个新款,目标用户找的准,产品款式不丢分,一样能打爆,机会天天有,你没有抓住,是你的问题,跟市场无关。    对于那种做品牌的公司而言,复购确实很重要,就是做私域嘛。不过,现在的平台都打击往站外引流,你无非就是拉个买家群,发券,刺激复购嘛。

十二 |     这样说吧,平台不支持,你给买家发一个加我某信,平台直接给你来个增加5万块钱保证金,不然就闭店,你选吧。所以,断了这个念想吧。    05    最后    如果大家想把电商这块做好,想爆单,那么BDZF理论模型务必要掌握和精通。毕竟,这是实操来的经验,虽然不像舶来理论那样虚无缥缈看起来高大上。    但是BDZF确实有效,电商运营就是销售,以结果为导向,喊空口号没用,能日出千单,万单才是王道,怎样做到呢?就用BDZF。    作者:老虎讲运营,运营书籍《全栈运营高手》作者;知识星球《虎虎生威电商圈子》主理人;电商运营推广大牛,千万流水项目操盘手,多平台专栏作家,专注产品运营与推广,擅长品牌打造和爆款制造,号称运营界扛把子。



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Current article:http://www.681196.com/%E9%AD%94%E7%8E%8B%E5%8B%87%E8%80%85-h584607.htm

Published on:09:48:11

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